domenica, marzo 19, 2006
sabato, marzo 18, 2006
So yesterday Jennie, Radman and I were walking around the isola tiberina and on the banks of the tiber I kid you not. Was part of a human bone. actually we found more than one. At this point what do we do but freak out take a picture and run away....
mercoledì, marzo 15, 2006

After bitching to the concierge about the fact that they lost our tickets to the previous nights' performace of La Traviatta, yours truly, had a sit down with the hotel manager Gabriella Benz. Not only did she offer us (free) box seats to the Coppelia, the ballet playing that night but she also snuck a bottle of red wine in our room while we were at the ballet. Ms. Benz, thank you for your extremely attentive service, Guil is happy.
where's waldo?

Basically here is a rundown of what I've been doing for the past two weeks: Studio. Most people think that students studying abroad rarely ever do any work. Well they clearly aren't thinking with us architecture students in mind. Another reason why it's been so long since I've updated is because when I'm not in studio I'm falling in love over and over with this city. It's amazing, I realize my view must be somewhat skewed as I'm living in one of the best piazzas in rome and I don't really have to worry about any of the day to day issues that romans have to deal with. I'm already going through severe cafe withdrawl, just the thought of starbucks gives me the shakes. Prosciutto, Prosecco, Campari, Mozzarella. Why am I leaving?
This is the life.
domenica, marzo 05, 2006
sabato, marzo 04, 2006

The freshest thing to happen since the feta cheese stand next door gave way to a whore house (Yes, that is in fact what that little building next door is.
Greeks are so quirky. Ha.

John Pawson-esque minimalism at it's best. This is a hotel folks, an afforable(ish) one! The only shame was that we missed the chocolates on our pillow every day because we were in the room napping everytime they knocked on our door. Sad face.
mercoledì, febbraio 15, 2006
giovedì, febbraio 09, 2006
martedì, febbraio 07, 2006
me encanta la basura europea. part I
sabato, febbraio 04, 2006
happy birthday to me.

sabato, gennaio 21, 2006
download this.
So some people went up to trastever to play soccer this morning.I say morning but really we all woke up at 1:30 in the afternoon. I chose to stay in and blog for a bit until they come back. We're planning on doing some shopping soon so I didn't want to wear myself out. hehe
last night jennie and I went to this amazingly quaint but very contemporary restuarant called coco. reasonably priced, great food etc... but in the end we had to leave when it got really awkward that the peple in front of us realized we were talking about them. good times.
these are two awesome programs that let people organize and share their pictures. do it!
last night jennie and I went to this amazingly quaint but very contemporary restuarant called coco. reasonably priced, great food etc... but in the end we had to leave when it got really awkward that the peple in front of us realized we were talking about them. good times.
these are two awesome programs that let people organize and share their pictures. do it!
where I live
venerdì, gennaio 20, 2006

How fitting. he he

routina giornaliera
8:00 Snooze
9:15 Shower and sometimes, shave
9:45 Un cappucino e un corneto per favore
two weeks later, laura, knows how we take our coffee
10:30 Wander through rome, sketching our fingers off
I take some picture, I sketch a little less
11:00 There's a line to get into gucci, where am I?
9:15 Shower and sometimes, shave
9:45 Un cappucino e un corneto per favore
two weeks later, laura, knows how we take our coffee
10:30 Wander through rome, sketching our fingers off
I take some picture, I sketch a little less
11:00 There's a line to get into gucci, where am I?
ora comincia
after two weeks of being in roma I can finally sit down, breathe, and start a blog
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